Align to Shine

I first met Leonie just over 5 years ago following a few chronic health conditions that were impacting my everyday life and wellbeing. At that stage I had started to resign myself with the fact that that’s just how my life was going to be. Within a short period of time working with Leonie I could feel my body starting to heal and after a few months I felt the benefits of the holistic approach to her teaching. I’ve found that moving my body with structural alignment whilst practising breath work has been the most effective method for me. I no longer have the chronic pains in my body and feel much stronger as well as aligned. I’ve learned to use these techniques in my everyday life and I now know how to keep my body aligned whether I’m in the garden, cycling, walking, cooking or working!! I often have yoga sessions at home!

Leonie is beautiful inside and out and oozes care, love, passion, inspiration and compassion in every part of her teaching. Her studio is such a peaceful environment in which to spend time nurturing yourself, with either a one-on-one session or with a small group. My sessions with Leonie are now a regular part of my life and will be for the rest of my life!! - JG