Align to Shine

Canggu, Bali

Buddhist Monastery, Banjar, Bali

Yogi at Hindu Monastery, Kauai, Hawaii

3 Tips for a Healthy Autumn



As summer fades and we prepare for shorter days and lower temperatures, a few simple steps will boost your immunity and help you stay well this season. 

Slow Cook for Health

Now is the time to swap cooling salads and iced food to warming, nourishing dishes such as soupscurries and casseroles to give your immune and digestive system a boost. Make the most of foods that have been fermented or pickled and promote gut health. “Raw, fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi are also great,” says functional nutritionist Jo Grabyn.

Try our favourite nourishing Autumn recipes here. 

Check Your Levels

The skin manufactures vitamin D when exposed to the sun, but shorter days mean fewer rays. “Vitamin D can start to become an issue from March because of the way the sun is angled,” says Grabyn. “Vitamin D is crucial for your immune system. If you are prone to colds and flu, suffer from allergies, or have an autoimmune disease, it’s worth getting your vitamin D checked.”

Combat Dry Air

Now the humidity has dropped, the air can be very drying for the nose, eyes, skin and throat. Grabyn says, “When the mucous membranes dry out, this natural barrier is impaired, and it increases your risk of catching a cold or flu. Staying hydrated with water, vegetables and fruit is important. It’s also vital you have adequate healthy fats to ensure the cell walls stay strong.”